Societe d'Exploitation des Ports : 23/11/2022 Q3 financial communication | MarketScreener

2022-12-05 01:49:37 By : Ms. Yi Sofia

The overall traffic handled by Marsa Maroc Group at the end of September, stood at 37.9 million tons, up 9.1% compared with the same period in 2021.

This level of activity results from the evolution of the following main elements : China Lng Dispenser

Societe d

Consolidated revenue amounted to MAD 2,965 million as of September 30th 2022, up 12% compared to MAD 2,650 million revenue achieved at the end of September 2021.

There was no change in the Group's scope of consolidation during the third quarter of 2022.

Consolidated investments made by the Group at the end of September 2022 amounted to MAD 198 million and mainly concerned the acquisition of equipment.

The Group reduced its net debt at the end of September 2022 to MAD 631 million. It is made up of MAD 2,638 million of financing debts and MAD 2,007 million of cash.

(*) : Figures not audited at the date of publication.


Marsa Maroc - Public limited company with Supervisory Board and Executive Board

Head office : 175, Bd Zerktouni. Casablanca.


Phone. : 0522 23 23 24 - Fax : 0522 23 23 35


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Fuel Dispenser Flowmeter Marsa Maroc SA published this content on 23 November 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 23 November 2022 08:34:02 UTC.